Welcome to MamaBaer's Musings, a place where I will ramble on about life in general with a little of my own take on things. I'll be sure to add a lot of pics of the grankids because. . . well. . . I can.
I welcome opinions, comments and questions etc.
This is a work in progress. I think it will be fun.

Monday, July 15, 2019

I have started a new Blog and for some reason whan I sent a link it isn't found in a browser so If anyone wants to see about MAMABAER HITS THE ROAD, just click the view  my complete profile under the picture on the left near the bottom and it will list all my blogs. All two of them so far. Not sure if MamaBaer's Musings will continue but one never knows.

Pony Rides for My Little Cowboys

Pony Rides for My Little Cowboys