Welcome to MamaBaer's Musings, a place where I will ramble on about life in general with a little of my own take on things. I'll be sure to add a lot of pics of the grankids because. . . well. . . I can.
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This is a work in progress. I think it will be fun.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Eagle Scout Court of Honor

On Sunday August 2, 2009, We had Chris's Court of Honor at Eastern Hills Baptist Church. Everything turned out great. It was over so fast. A lot of people came but most of them missed the guest book. I meant to bring it over from the sanctuary to the reception and forgot. Chris did a good job.

Will Pike was the master of ceremonies. He did a great job. Chris's friend James Prentis video taped the ceremony for me. He did an awesome job. These are all pictures that my daughter Cari took.

James Bonfoey, our youth pastor, David Lanman, Chris's teacher at Lakeview Law Magnet, and Lynn Gibson, Troop Comittee chairman each spoke.

Chris chose Mr Lanman to receive the mentor's pin. He really had a lot of influence on Chris over the last four years. He also sat on Chris'sEagle Board of Review. Mr. Lanman is an Eagle Scout as well.

I was so nervous. I had trouble getting the tie slde on. It took forever.

The cake was delicious. We got it at Casa Linda Bakery. They did a great job making the Eagle medal.

Mr Lanman gave Chris a Boy Scout stamp collection. It is very nice.

These are some of the patches Chris had collected over the years in scouting.

Here was our table with memorabilia from the cub and boy scout years.

The shadow box was supposed to be a key part of the table but I left it at home. I didn't even realize it til I got home and saw it sitting on the ottoman, right where I left it.

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