Welcome to MamaBaer's Musings, a place where I will ramble on about life in general with a little of my own take on things. I'll be sure to add a lot of pics of the grankids because. . . well. . . I can.
I welcome opinions, comments and questions etc.
This is a work in progress. I think it will be fun.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I am Blessed

I never got around to posting the drama that we have had around our house recently. Two weeks ago tomorrow, Phillip awoke to the sound of running water at about midnight. He got out of bed only to find himself standing on soaking wet carpet in the bedroom. In the bathroom the water supply line to the toilet had sprung a leak and who knows how long it had been running. Anyway he shut it off. We got out the Wet-Dry vac and got as much up as we could til about 2:00 AM. Then we put all the fans we had in the house on the area. It had gone under the walls and into the other bathroom and into the hall as well. After 24 hours it was still very damp so Tuesday I called our insurance and they said it would be covered and had me call a company to do clean up and restoration. I made arrangements for them to come out Thursday.
Then Tuesday while I was at work, Chris called and said he fell in the tub and broke the faucet off the wall. I figured he meant the plastic handle and wasn't worried as I disliked them anyway and wanted to replace them. When I got home it was worse than I thought. The whole stem on the hot water was broken off and the other two were bent. Thankfully he was not hurt really bad other than some scratches on his back. So I called a plumber to come out Thursday to fix that and the water supply line. The guys tore out the wet padding under the carpet.We had about eight huge fans and two dehumidifiers drying out the carpet and walls for five days. We had to take down the water bed to get at the carpet underneath. So Phillip and I have been sleeping in the guest room for eleven days. Oh, how I miss our waterbed. Everything on the floor in Chris's closet was taken out and put on his bed so he has been sleeping on the air mattress.
In addtion to all this, the sliding doors on the shower came off the tracks so I hung a shower curtain in there until everything gets fixed. The Serv-Pro guys will be out this Tuesday to replace the pads and I am having tile put in the bathrooms so a guy from Lowe's will come out Tuesday to measure that. I switched days off with Bill so that I wouldn't have to wait until Thursday.
Now all this sounds like a lot and it is but.... last Wednesday night Chris called and the truck wouldn't start and the alarm kept going off everytime he tried to start it. So Phillip went to Taco Bell where he was and couldn't get it going. The next day I was off so I had the guys across from Taco Bell at the oil change place come over and jump it and we took it over to their place and sure enough it was the battery. At least I feel better that that's all it was. So battery, $139 then deductible on Insurance for the flood, $500, plumber to fix faucet and leaking pipe, $250. New bathroom floors $300.
Knowing that I am saved and that God is in control of everything in my life - PRICELESS.

1 comment:

Julia said...

Glad you got everything fixed or at least in the middle of being fixed. I love your last comment thought. What a great God we serve! jab

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